Little Champion :

Little Champion : Hearty congratulations to S D Jashvika ( 5 B ) on being selected ( 1st ranking held at PN PUDUR COIMBATORE on 28 April 2024 , 2nd ranking in Saravana Patti Coimbatore on May 4 , 2024 ) to represent Coimbatore District in State Meet in Table Tennis U 11 girls team […]

National Powerlifting Championship: – Video

National Powerlifting Championship: Video Academic year is going to end but not passion in Varna Priya R’s ( 11C1) primary goal of life .Her will power has crossed the border and harvested 3 Gold Medals in Squat Power lifting (85Kg) , Benchpress(55Kg)and Deadlift ( 120Kg) at the National Powerlifting Championship held at Surat , Gujarat […]

National Powerlifting Championship:

National Powerlifting Championship: Academic year is going to end but not passion in Varna Priya R’s ( 11C1) primary goal of life .Her will power has crossed the border and harvested 3 Gold Medals in Squat Power lifting (85Kg) , Benchpress(55Kg)and Deadlift ( 120Kg) at the National Powerlifting Championship held at Surat , Gujarat during […]

State Level Silambam Competition :

State Level Silambam Competition : Vidhya Shri R ( 3 B ) , M. Nekha Shree ( 3 D ) and R. Lidharshana ( 3 D ) have lent a sharp hands and grabbed their moment by tilting the verdict in their favor by winning First and Second Prize in State Level Silambam Competition held […]

Assorted Competitions :

Assorted Competitions : Feat of these are laudable and merits attention as each one has surmounted the peak in their respective forte.Accept our lavish recognition & appreciations with a thumping sound achievers !! Fine Arts Sports and Games Social Service Science Club School Parliament Maths Club Liturgical Club Literary Club Interact Club

Various Competitions :

Various Competitions : These are our “Divers ” who have dived into the ocean of their chosen sports / passion only to collect pearls.Accolades and appreciations are all yours for exploring the jewels , Champions !! Fine Arts Sports and Games Social Service Science Club School Parliament Maths Club Liturgical Club Literary Club Interact Club

Ikigai Karate Championship 2024 :

Ikigai Karate Championship 2024 : Mahima J.V ( 7 B ) has humbled her opponents by Winning First Place in the Individual KATA and Kumite Event in Ikigai Karate Championship 2024 held on Sunday , 11.2.2024.Hearty Congratulations seasoned champion for fulfilling the anticipated glory that you bring your second home. Fine Arts Sports and Games […]

The Squad :

The Squad : We tag this maintenance of our bunch of stalwarts who keep sharpening , polishing & oiling their skill as a periodic routine more so on the week – ends so as to deliver seamless & laurel winning performances in their respective passion of sports.Congratulations to the WINNERS for bringing hurray moment to […]

Mini Marathon :

Mini Marathon : Being a child herself and contribute sweat & energy to RunAgainst Drug & Child Abuse , may not be a child’s play for others but not for our running revolutionary Varniga K L ( 7 E )She has displayed her part of concern by participating and winning II Place in the Mini […]

Power Girl :

Power Girl : R.Varnapriya ( 11 C 1 ) refuses to budge even an inch in her willpower when it comes to Power Lifting Championships !!She has created an orbit of her own and secured 1st Place in lifting both , Dead Lift 115 kg and Bench Press 65 kg at the Sub-Junior State Level […]