Welcome Academic Year 2024-2025 , Change of Guard :

The crown of leadership befitting the temple of authority fills into the hands of Rev.Sr.Fillcy for the new academic year 2024-2025.
Avila has always looked forward in climbing towards succession with the immense blessings of GOD and with the ever supportive Principals, Staff and Students.
Rev. Sr Fillcy, our new Principal with new, emphasizing plans has set her sail along with us on a new voyage, this academic year.
Invoking GOD’S blessings by The Management, Principal and staff on 3rd of June 2024 along with the General assembly headed by the Vice Principal and staff on 10th June 2024 for a fresh start ahead into an exciting year of learning, fun and memories.
Loads of Greetings and Well wishes to our new Principal Rev. Sr. Fillcy for a Memorable Academic Year ahead.