Ganesh Chaturthi Greetings :

Ganesh Chaturthi Greetings : Happy Ganesh Chaturthi Greetings from The Management , Staff and Non Teaching Staff Members.Saturday , 7.9.2024. Fine Arts Sports and Games Social Service Science Club School Parliament Maths Club Liturgical Club Literary Club Interact Club

Teachers’ Day Celebrations – Thursday , 5.9.2024.

Teachers’ Day Celebrations – Thursday , 5.9.2024 Pupils’ downpour of love & affection in action & deed drenched the Mentors on their very Special Day …… Fine Arts Sports and Games Social Service Science Club School Parliament Maths Club Liturgical Club Literary Club Interact Club

Vivid Accolades :

Vivid Accolades : Meet our Contingent who showed guts & glory in their vivid skills pocketing Trophies & Medals adding laurels & honor to their achievement ledge. Fine Arts Sports and Games Social Service Science Club School Parliament Maths Club Liturgical Club Literary Club Interact Club

Food Fest 2024- Saturday , 24.8.2024

Food Fest 2024 – Saturday , 24.8.2024 Whosoever renders the poor renders to God.An act of generosity & magnanimity in pictures…. Right from LKG ( Friday , 23.8.2024 ) to Std. 12 entire Campus got indulged in stretching hand & heart to help the helpless in unison . Fine Arts Sports and Games Social Service […]

Scientia – 2024 :

Scientia – 2024 : Annual Science Exhibition – Tuesday , 20.8.2024.Stunning visuals ( some of them already in motion and others in line ….) straight from the mines & minds of our novice scientists.Students from Std.1 to Std.12 exhibiting their hidden inner talents envisioning the Advanced India. Fine Arts Sports and Games Social Service Science […]

Independence Day Celebrations -Thursday , 15.8.2024.

Independence Day Celebrations – Thursday , 15.8.2024 Saluting the Nation on its 78th Independence Day with the same amount of joy , pride and dedication. Sharpening the memories of our devoted patriots and celebrating it with pomp & splendor the joy of breathing Independence along with jubilation of the crowning of Mother Mary in its […]

Honoring the Champions :

Honoring the Champions : Walking an extra mile to recognise the extra ordinary talent adds an extra sparkle to the achievement !Our overwhelming appreciations to these victorious sports personalities on being acknowledged by the Tamil Nadu Government on Sunday , 4.8.2024 at Chennai.Carry on the legacy with your exceptional talent Champions ! Fine Arts Sports […]

Tirupur Open Karate Championship 2024 :

Tirupur Open Karate Championship 2024 : Well, handful of Trophies deserve a bouquet of applauses !Well done Mahima J.V ( 8 A ) for clinching FIRST Place in KATA and KUMITE ( age 13 years categories ) in Tirupur Open Karate Championship 2024 South India Level held on Sunday , 11.8.2024. Fine Arts Sports and […]

Peace Ambassador :

Peace Ambassador : Peace lover and peace maker especially in the present world is the symbol of the king of all virtues for humankind.Abundant appreciations to Jesna O J ( 12 D ) for being an outstanding brand ambassadors of peace and setting the right path to lead a more accommodative & harmonious society .The […]

Assorted Tournaments :

Assorted Tournaments : The execution of nerve & verve , accuracy & precision is sure to bag Medal winning performances.Our heartfelt Congratulations to these sport stars on winning tournaments in their respective forte. Fine Arts Sports and Games Social Service Science Club School Parliament Maths Club Liturgical Club Literary Club Interact Club